About Me
Hi, good to see you here!
I am Daya Mukherjee, a copywriting professional and trainer, enthusiastic cook, and a lifelong learner who is passionate about living life to the fullest.
Much has been said about discovering the “inner you”, the real you, not the one that was created to replace the original you. How do we do that? One clue – ikigai, a beautiful Japanese word for ‘finding your purpose in life’.
So, through this blog, while I share informative and helpful posts on health and beauty, I would also be opening up my deepest feelings and thoughts to readers I don’t know, but readers who, I hope, become companions on this wonderful journey of finding our respective ‘ikigai’!
Not all posts will be serious; some will be fun, some will make you reflect, while some…..well, that you will have to tell me!
And, I’d love to hear from all of you, so drop me a line in the comments box.
Stay happy and I hope you find your Ikigai!
Much love,
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